AdultLife Reviews: Find our secret tactics to get laid online!
AdultLife was one of our favourite adult hookup sites specializing in the Canadian market. The site rewarded people who put up cool photos of themselves and added a lot to their profiles. These people obviously saw the most action on the site. We found the girls to be fairly hot, and certainly the ones we ended hooking up with were definite babes, even if we do say so ourselves. The women on the site may have been a bit older than on some of the other sites we have reviewed but still fuckable and there were no old grannies.The site was well-priced for the amount of features you got and we definitely thought it was good value considering the number of decent girls it put us in contact with.
Our Favourite Strategies For Fast Hookups
AdultLife is all about the pictures. We found the quickest way to get people interested in our profile was to have good pictures of us up for them to look at, decide whether they like us and then contact us. Though we were always interested in being on the front foot, we were also open to girls contacting us (though we didn’t include these girls in the final results, so as not to skew the findings). If you have great picture on a site like AdultLife it vastly increases your chances of hooking up. Even if you looking just OK in the picture, someone will be interested and contact you because of it.It also helps when you are going out there and contacting girls yourself. If they have an idea of who is talking to them they are much more reciprocal and likely to look favourably on your messages. Profiles without a photo get nowhere. Would you contact someone without knowing what they look like on a hookup site? Of course not. So this holds true for almost all sites but we found that AdultLife in particular was a visual-oriented site, where people were always posting photos and it was these, rather than the profiles words or our messages that we felt the girls were really interested in.The flip side to this is that there are a ton of cute girls posting hot photos of themselves on this site as well, so lots to look at even if you don’t get anywhere.
We ranked AdultLife at position #3 in ranking list of best Canadian hookup sites. Sign up now at AdultLife
Women On Were They Pretty?
Like we say, plenty of photos on the site so it was easy to determine whether the girls were hot or not. This was a site that definitely had enough cute girls to keep us interested. The demographic on the site seemed to be a little older than most, with women mostly in there early thirties and later, something we were more than happy with. From our study it seems that some sites just cater for an older clientele. We think that once a few oldies go on there, the site gets a name for milfs so more and more join, along with the guys that are after that kind of thing. Generally we were after younger women, but there has to be sites for everyone on the internet and we ourselves aren’t against a hot cougar. Our messages were sent to the younger (twenties) girls on the site, but we threw a few older women a bone, if they were super-hot.
AdultLife Test Results: 12 Weeks On scored pretty highly on our rankings of the best Canadian hookup sites. From the 540 emails sent, we received 323 replies, all from hot women. We eventually hooked up with 26 of them, all real quality, after setting up dates with 44 girls, 33 of whom showed.This aren’t massive numbers and we think you can do better. We were only after the very top girls from each site and quality lays. If you set your sites even a bit lower but keep to the other tips we have taught you, you can definitely get laid time and again on a site like this.
Gaming Beat The System!
To go with the fact that this site really focused on pictures, we found the best way to get ahead of the game was to make sure the profile was top shelf. Our profile contained a lot of pictures of us in different situations, making sure we were interesting as many women as possible. We included our hot photos as well as our cute photos, our friendly ones as well as the ones that made us look a bit more mysterious. This made us stand out on a site were the level of sophistication of most guys was a dick pic.We then added some good text to the pictures on our profile. A bit about us so the women knew what they were getting and then a bit about what we wanted from the site so the girls knew whether we were on the same wavelength. Then we always added something extra about what we wanted to give. Remember, you are selling yourself to these girls so you have to tell them what they are going to get out of it. We would always say we wanted to show them a good time and do the things they wanted to do. Leaving it open like that allows them to start fantasizing and then it is only a matter of time before they make contact.
Top 3 Features operates a lot like Facebook, so all you favourite features from Facebook are here too.The have a cool site activity list, showing you what everyone on the site is up to at that moment, whether they are adding to their profiles, uploading photos or chatting with other members. This can be invaluable when working out who is online at any given point as well as working out what your competition is up to.Another feature we liked was that you could easily view who had looked at your profile. This allowed you see the girls who were interested in, probably from your photos. Some of these girls may be shy and not want to contact you, but when you know who they are and if you like the look of them then you can then make the first move and start chatting to them.On that note, there was plenty on online chat and action to be had. The site had cool chatrooms were you could go and chat with some of the hottest girls on there. It also tells you who is ‘on cam’, that is the girls on the site who have a webcam set up so you can have a little bit of a closer look at the before taking things further. Pricing/Cost Plans
There are two plans, silver and gold, for members. We went with the gold membership as it presented better value. The Gold membership starts at $12.50 per month when you buy a 12-month subscription. We think this represents a great price for the chance to get laid constantly throughout the year. Gold members get access to everyone on the site, all their photos, profiles and videos as well extra features not available to standard members and silver members, such as access to other member’s webcams, the hardcore porn hosted on the site and being featured in all search results, so girls will always be able to find you.The silver plan is only available for a maximum of 3 months, and starts at 19.98 per month if you sign up for that plan. You still get access to profiles of other members and are able to narrow you own searches down, but you don’t get access to webcams or put in all search results.
Our Final Recommendation about
We would definitely recommend if you are looking to hookup in any major Canadian city. The girls were cute, the site was easy to use and it rewarded people who put in the effort to their profiles. We found that there was a lot of fun to be had online on the site as well as fun to be had out on the town with the girls from it.