Tips & Advice: Will Connecting Singlesreally work for you? – Ads, Ads, Ads
This site is a great example of why you should stay clear of free hookup sites and go for the best paid sites everytime. Sure you are paying out a bit more, but you are paying for quality and are not going to be force-fed adverts on every inch of the page. This site is full of advertisements for a ton of other dating sites that you are not remotely interested in (unless you want to hook up with Thai ladyboys or 50+ grannies), or for completely obtuse things like diapers or Google. Why does Google have to advertise on a hookup site?
Blended Ads
One of the most annoying things about the ads on this site is that a lot of them are blended into the page to look like they are still part of the site, whereas really you are being pushed off the site to another – another site that will want you to sign up and another that we serve you more ads, leading to other pages and so on…
It is a badly designed site and seems to have attracted badly designed people. The girls on this site are all low quality – we had trouble, even spread across three cities, to find any decent women on this site. It is dominated by men and by women that are, how can we put this delicately, of an older generation. If you are interested in granny-munching then this might be the site for you. But if you are a regular, red-blooded male then you are not going to find anything here to enjoy.
We had zero successful hookups on ConnectingSingles – Pick a site in our ranking to have successful hookups We guarantee hookups with Canadian Women all day and night.
We unanimously agree that this was the most creepy site we studied. The emphasis seems to be less on hooking up like you want and more on cultivating weird online relationships with girls a continent away. This is of course a bugbear of ours. We want local women and expect any site saying it is a Canadian hookup site to concentrate of the fine women of Canada. But this site constantly showed us profiles of girls in India, Eastern Europe and Mexico. No doubt they all eventually want money to come to Canada.
Back to the creep bit. We want good chat, a date and some sex. That is the point of a hookup. We don’t want to send virtual flowers to a girl, or a card, or make her read our terrible poetry. Yet that is what this site entails. SO again, we went away from this site with minimal success as the profiles and messages we used to great effect on the best sites just didn’t work here. We managed a few dates and a couple of lays, but to say they were low quality would be pushing it… – summary…
Ad-filled garbage site. Low quality women who would prefer you read their doleful poetry than head to a bar and then head to a bed. The type of site to stay away from if you actually want to get laid and don’t want to spend hours on meaningless online relationships.