Tips & Advice: Should you put your confidence in OnlineBootyCall? – They Don’t Like Canadians
You would think a site advertising itself as one of the top hookup sites for Canadians would actually let you select ‘Canada’ in the country box. Nope. It doesn’t seem to like Canadians at all. We ended up having to pretend we were from Buffalo – as close to our home town as we could get to look for local girls. Not a good start…
We Like Women
It went rapidly downhill from there as well. Of course when setting up our profile we selected the ‘Men Seeking Women’ option. Nothing wrong with the other options, just not what we were after. So it was slightly disconcerting to be presented with someone calling themselves ‘Tranny4u’ as the first person on the site. You would think the site would have some kind of filtering system so you didn’t get presented with this kind of thing, but this site seemed badly designed overall – slow, cumbersome and never giving you the girls you are actually after.
We had zero successful hookups on OnlineBootyCall – Pick a site in our ranking to have successful hookups We guarantee hookups with Canadian Women all day and night.
Female scammers
This was a site full of female scammers. Of course like for all the other sites we set up our profiles to attract the best women, but on this site it also seemed to attract the worst. We quickly started getting message from women who looked fairly regular, perhaps 5s or 6s, not the porn stars of other scam sites. These kind of women wouldn’t normally be what we are looking for as the study was mostly about getting quality women from hookup sites, but as they messaged us we nearly always kept up the conversation for a while, if for nothing more to learn about the site and build our profile and friendships on the site (it is always a good idea to join in socially with the site as then you appear more fun, confident and gregarious to the girls you really want to bed).
The first warning signs were the appalling English of many of these women. You could tell they were foreign even if they said they were from Vancouver. They would keep the conversation going at all costs and keep telling us how wonderful we were and how they were looking forward to meeting us…
Then, BAM! Out came the request for money. They wanted to come so desperately but couldn’t afford it. One girl disappeared for a day or two then came back saying how she had been taken suddenly ill – the doctors said it was serious but she just didn’t have the money for all the tests. We pushed her a bit and she sent us information on all the symptoms she had – copy-and-pasted from Wikipedia. A scam. Immediate deletion. – summary…
Terrible site, which doesn’t bode well for the privacy of any personal information you might put on there. Presented with a transvestite as a possible hookup match (no thank you) and then inundated with messages from women scammers which also came begging for money sooner or later. If you are a sucker for a sob story then definitely steer clear of this site as you will be parted from your money post-haste.