AdultFriendFinder Reviews: Does AFF work in Canada?
AdultFriendFinder wasn’t our most successful site in terms of the number of lays we ended up with. But it was a fun, honest site and therefore ends up in our list of recommendations. The site worked best when we were proactive and went out looking for women and contacting them first. The list of activity from local girls helped us with this – we always knew which girls were online so we could chat with them. The site had some other nice features, including top of the line VIP membership and contests. The site specialized in video, which while not our thing, meant that there were lots of hot videos from the girls on the site to watch.
Our Favourite Strategies For Fast Hookups
What worked on AdultFriendFinder was to be forward. We are not talking overly aggressive – the kind of guy who sends pictures of his penis as the first message. Rather it paid on this site to get in there first and make that first contact rather than wait for the girl to get in touch. This was some of the advice in our guide and this was one of the sites that paid off.The girls were friendly and a few did contact us first, but generally the women preferred to be charmed and chased rather than be the chaser. The upside of this was that it also favoured the confident man, which we have said is an important feature of all hookup dating. Show you are confident and strong and the girls come flocking. That is what we found on this site. We sent out messages to any girl that we found attractive and had a good reply ratio to the messages sent out. This started the conversation with the girls and definitely got us more dates than if we had sat back and waited for them to come to us.
We ranked AdultFriendFinder at position #6 in ranking list of best Canadian hookup sites. Sign up now at AdultFriendFinder
Women On Were They Pretty?
The girls on this site were quite hot. We found some really, really pretty-but-ordinary women here, exactly the kind you hope to meet on these sites. Definitely not escorts, nor con artists who have stolen pictures. Just regular women who are actually hotter than they think who have not had enough sex in their lives and are now looking for more. Again the age range on this site was a bit higher than on others, but in our minds that is a sign of legitimacy. If a site advertises just 18-year olds looking for hookups that is a sure-fire sign of a scam.AdultFriendFinder seemed to be a video site more than a photo site. A lot of women enjoyed posting videos of themselves, some in rather compromising positions. Or enjoying some other guy. This wasn’t our thing and we generally stayed away from the girls that had posted anything too explicit. We also didn’t post anything like this ourselves, sticking to photos instead, but on a site like this it might be the way to get ahead and get the most and best hookups.
AdultFriendFinder Test Results: 12 Weeks On
That we thought AdultFriendFinder was one of the best sites around even though the end numbers weren’t so great is actually a testament to the site and the quality of woman available on there. One of our number said he had ‘the best night of my life’ with a girl from this site so it definitely deserves a place in our top 5.We actually got more responses to initial emails on this site than all but one of the others, but those emails didn’t really turn into dates. Of the 382 replies we got only 22 agreed to a date. Some wanted a bit more than we were willing to offer, and others just wanted to fool around online, sending dirty photos and messages. Cool, but not what we were after at the end of the day. Only half of the girls actually showed, which kind of sucked (but shows why you might want to consider signing up to more than one site. You’ll almost always have a date). Only 3 of the girls went home alone that night though, the other 8 having the pleasure of our company for the evening.
Gaming Beat The System!
As we said, it paid to be forward on this site. To that aim, we utilized the messaging system as much as possible to get and keep in contact with as many women on the site as we could. The site tells you who is online at any given moment and we used that knowledge to our advantage, messaging girls who were there at that moment looking to chat. This meant we would know they got our message and we would either see a reply straight away which we could then continue into a conversation, or we wouldn’t get a reply incase, no problem, just move on. For some of our favourite women we would message them when they were away from their computer so they would have something when they got back. We found this was a good way to keep interest as they always knew we were thinking of them, and it always made them think of us.
Top 3 Features
AdultFriendFinder had some really neat features which enhanced the site a lot.Our favourite was the VIP status. This was a list of the very hottest, most popular and prevalent members on the site. These girls had great photos, great videos and were nearly always very, very hot. There were a few in our areas that we got to know, though sadly none resulted in any dates. Maybe you will have more luck.The site also had some live action cams of some hot girls online. This wasn’t so much our thing, as we were looking for real sex, out in the real world. But if you were hot and horny and left at home (or stood up as we were on occasion) it might be worth a little look to see what some of the cute girls there were getting up to.What was more up our street was the list of activity from girls in our area. Here we could get a sense of what local girls were online, who was chatting with whom, and what photos and videos they might be posting. This was a great way to find out who to message at any point when they were online so we could spark up the conversations that were the starting point for getting laid. Pricing/Cost Plans
The pricing plans on AdultFriendFinder break down thus:
- Gold 12-month subscription (+ 6 months free) – $9.95 CAD per month
- Gold 3-month subscription (+ 1 month free) – $14.95 CAD per month
- Gold 1-month subscription – $29.96 CAD per month
The gold plan lets you have unlimited access to all the profiles, photos and videos of all members and allows you to contact them as you wish.
You also have the option of profile enhancements:
Allow standard members to contact you:
- 12-month subscription – $7.95 CAD per month
- 3-month subscription – $10.95 CAD per month
- 1-month subscription – $17.95 CAD per month
Highlight your profile so it stands out among the others:
- 3-month subscription – $7.95 CAD per month
- 1-month subscription – $8.85 CAD per month
Access to the sites adult video-on-demand library:
- 12-month subscription – $9.95 CAD per month
- 3-month subscription – $12.95 CAD per month
- 1-month subscription – $18.95 CAD per month
- You can also access one individuals profile for $2.95 CAD per month
Our Final Recommendation about is a fun site and we’d recommend it for any guy in Canada looking for hookup fun either online or in the real world. This site will particularly work if you are into either posting or receiving video and if you really like to chat to girls online first before meeting them on a date.