If you want to hookup with a girl, or as many girls as possible, and we’re guessing that’s why you’re here, then we strongly advise to not just settle on one site, but try to join as many sites as possible, getting to know as many girls as possible and therefore having as much fun as possible.
Cheaper than a night out.
We know what you are thinking: That’s going to be expensive. But put it this way. How often do you go out to bars looking for girls with your friends? At least once a week, maybe two or three. If you are having a good time you can easy drop $100 on each of these nights. That is a minimum of $400 a month, probably a lot more. And what is your success ratio on these missions? Maybe one girl a week, if you are lucky. Really what you get from these nights out is a lot of male bonding and a lot of embarrassing stories, but not a lot of action.
Using a hookup dating site is the reverse. You get action without loads of other guys cock-blocking you, no stupidity and for a lot less money. Signing up for two sites is going to run you maybe $40 a month. A tenth of the best case scenario with using bars as you hookup place. And on these it is only about the girls, you don’t have to bother with all the other BS.
You Can Bring Your A-Game
Another bonus is you’ll be checking out the women on these sites sober, sans beer goggles. How often have you taken a hot girl home only to wake up with her ugly sister in the morning? Be using these sites you can check out the girls beforehand through the pictures they post, and then when you meet them on the date, you’ll know straight way whether they are hot enough to hook up with or whether you don’t want to go any further. Plus no trying to chat up a girl over loud music or while fending off other guys. It is the easiest way to ensure your A-game.
Getting More Bang For Your Buck
Signing up for two or more sites also allows you to cast your net much wider and get hookup dates with more women. Often girls will stick to just one site so if you do the same, you might be missing out on all sorts of riches elsewhere. If you go to different sites you can really maximize the number and quality of girls you hook up with.
On different hookup website you can also be different people. Going back to our profile guide, why not be a jock on one site and a drummer on another. You can explore all sides of your personality and see which are the best at attracting the hottest girls looking to hookup for sex.
So try not to be a cheapskate. See this as your opportunity to hookup with all the girls you’ve ever wanted. To do that, it makes sense to join a couple of sites and see all the girls on offer, set up all the dates you want, and get laid more than you ever dreamed possible.